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E-learning Group Programme

E-learning Project: Distance Learning Development Programme

As a part of the Democracy Study Centre, Distance Learning Development Programme at Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University was conducted during November 2016 – April 2017. The programme aims to launch a full-fledged e-learning system in this displaced university during 2017/2018 academic year by providing expert support in fields of general organisation and regulation, methodological frameworks and staffing, IT-infrastructure.

The timeline of the programme involves 3 interrelated phases. The first phase (November 2016 – January 2017) was dedicated to studying relevant experience of displaced higher educational institutions in the development of e-learning systems. During the second phase (January 2017 – February 2017) our teamwork was focused on completion proposals for implementation of distance learning and on drafting the respective regulation. The third phase involved the organisation of technical support and distance learning training for 24 academic staff members of the University (March 2017 – middle of April 2017).

Main outcomes were achieved in 3 key fields. In the field of organisational assistance, the general framework and recommendations to elaboration of the regulation on distance learning were developed. In the field of technical support, a distance learning platform Moodle was installed and customised for the professional use of the academic staff. Finally, in the field of methodological frameworks and staffing, a four-day training on distance learning was conducted. However, all these results are only a starting point in the implementation of the e-learning platform to the full extent. Thus, the report contains recommendations and further steps needed to accomplish defined goals.

The Project work group consists of 4 fellows of the Democracy Study Centre programme. They are Oksana Grechko, Olena Nikulina, Bohdan Tyshkevych, Lidia Zhgyr. You can find more information about them here.

The final report on Distance Learning Development Programme at Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University is available here:
