The Democracy Study Centre (DSC) is a project founded in 2016 by the German-Polish-Ukrainian Society (GPUS) and implemented in cooperation with the European-Ukrainian Youth Policy Centre (EUYPC) with the generous support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. The Democracy Study Centre works on a yearly basis and creates space for effective socio-political debates.
The Centre promotes young professionals in their development as responsible academic, civic and economic experts. The idea of the Centre is to foster the dialogue between the scholars from the Eastern Partnership countries and Russia.
More details about scholars you can find here
The DSC highlights the importance of democratic development in Ukraine by supporting the scholars implementing their own unique projects and providing them with the opportunity to learn from various international experts, politicians, grassroots civic leaders, journalists, academicians, entrepreneurs, and diplomats.
The DSC is structured in explorative formats that allow the scholars reflect their experiences and develop group projects throughout the course of the program.
The first academic year (2016-2017) recruited 29 scholars from four countries (Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.) During the nine months fellows attended lectures during the ten DSC working sessions, got inspired from different speakers (politicians, diplomats, civil servants, journalists, academicians, and civil society activists) who delivered their perspectives on various issues (Europeanization, democratization, reforms in Ukraine and other European countries, free media, rule of law, etc.).
The fellows also developed and implemented five group projects (economic, e-learning, NGO, historic and political) contributing to Ukraine’s transformation and democratization. By the end of the academic year, an academic paper “A Bittersweet Victory: Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the EU” written by the DSC fellows was published by the New Eastern Europe magazine. In addition, the DSC successfully organized Forum “Pulse of Ukraine” in October 2017, which brought together 200 young participants from Kyiv and other cities from all over Ukraine and more than 30 speakers from more than 11 countries.
The second academic year (2018-2019) starts in October 2018.
This year, the DSC focuses on communicating democratic values in four thematic areas:
- Pluralism in media (social media, fake news, digital society, cybersecurity and role of communication in security).
- Strengthening the Mittelstand and social entrepreneurship (lack of security for the property has so far proved to be a major obstacle to entrepreneurial engagement).
- Advancing the dialogue and peace mediation (platform for communication and reconciliation).
- Women in focus (addressing the women-specific issues).