The eighth DSC session took place on May 11-12, 2020, and was arranged via Skype because of the quarantine. During the Skype consultations, which were provided by Dr. Niclas Rüffer, the DSC Senior Fellow, and Dr. Iryna Chernysh, the DSC Project Manager, the DSC scholars discussed the progress of their projects. In addition, our speakers prepared materials and presentations for self-learning.

Prof. Dr. Andrzej Wiszniewski, Minister of Science (1999-2001) and Chairman of the State Committee for Scientific Research, prepared materials about knowledge-based economy in which he explained how knowledge can help to understand the cause–effect relations in the physical world.

Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Luty, Professor of chemical sciences, Rector at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (2002-2008), presented materials for self-learning about the role of science in policy formulation. In his presentation he described how to provide good scientific advice to European Commission policy makers, based on available evidence, under the conditions of scientific complexity and uncertainty.

Prof. Dr. Arkadiusz Wójs, Dean of the Faculty of Fundamental Technological Problems, Head of the Theoretical Physics Department at the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, delivered a presentation on the subject “Science Advice for Policy. Role of academia in forming, communicating, and executing government policy”.

Jan Wais, Deputy Director, Foreign Relations Office, Municipality of Wroclaw, prepared materials for students’ self-learning on Social Capital: what Social Capital is and how it is related to the economic and social development of cities.

On May 11 and 12, every group used an on-line opportunity to demonstrate successes of their projects during Skype conference with Dr. Niclas Rüffer, the DSC Senior Fellow, and Dr. Iryna Chernysh, the DSC Project Manager. Two groups working on the non-for-profit projects – “Business/ Non-for-Profit” and “Women in Focus/ Non-for-Profit”, summarized the results of webinars that were held within the framework of the projects.
That is all news from the eighth working session of the DSC. We wish you to stay safe and healthy, and we will keep you updated!