On February 23, 2016, we presented the results of the project “Mobile youth work and analysis of social environment of Dniprovskyi District of the city of Kyiv”. The project was implemented by the German-Polish-Ukrainian Society in Ukraine in cooperation with the International Society for Mobile Youth Work ISMO (city of Stuttgart) for the past 18 months (September 2014 – February 2016). The project aimed to analyze the social environment at the level of a certain district of the city of Kyiv and to determine the basic needs and problems of youth.
Over the entire period of the project was carried out a thorough investigation and conducted three training sessions for employees of public and non-governmental institutions working to protect the rights of the youth of Dniprovskyi District of the city of Kyiv. By default, the concept of mobile youth work can be based only on the analysis of local needs, and in its conceptual basis must always be based on quantitative and qualitative data of the region. That is why the work was aimed primarily at identifying the causes or circumstances of the current situation in the district, at getting relatively accurate data on the life circumstances of children, juveniles and their families.
The following topics were discussed during the training: street work with youth, analysis of the social environment, technologies and models of mobile social work with children, youth and families in difficult life circumstances. In-depth analysis and mapping of basic needs of youth at the level of an individual pilot district of the city of Kyiv – Dniprovskyi District – was carried out in order to create a unique for Ukraine model of mobile youth work at the level of district, city, region and state.
The survey results allow describing enough active process of implementing inter-sectoral youth policy in the district. Based on the study it was prepared a book “Analysis of the social environment of the Dniprovskyi District of the city of Kyiv. Planning mobile youth work”, which was presented during the event.